Under the current structure, Temperature Horticulture Development Center, Marpha has been provided with the following Term of Reference (ToR):
- Varietal conservation and maintenance of various temperate fruits viz. Apple, Pear, Walnut.
- To support National Fruit Development Center in evaluation of temperate fruits development related national commercial plans and policies.
- Production and distribution of propagation materials of temperate fruits.
- To train farmers about temperate fruits production and development.
- To provide expert technical services on the related subject.
- To co-operate and co-ordinate with nearest Agriculture Research Center/ Agriculture Knowledge Center for Temperate Fruit Development.
- To utilize the land and other infrastructures and facilities to increase farm’s productivity and income.
- To conduct small action oriented experimentations to solve the farm related problems.
- To work as the national resource center for temperate fruit development.
- To provide work implementation progress report to the National Fruit Development Center on time.